If you are using PageSentry on a machine running MacTCP, please note that in some cases where connections cannot be quickly established, PageSentry may appear to hang. In reality, PageSentry is simply attempting to establish a connection with the tested server. If the connection attempt fails, a time out will occur and be correctly reported.
In other words, if your Macintosh appears to freeze, be sure to give PageSentry enough time to timeout and report the error. Be patient, PageSentry is on the job!
A Note For PageSentry Version 1.1 and 1.2 Users
PageSentry 2.0 is radically different (and better!) then 1.X versions. While we are attempting to make this upgrade as easy and quick as possible, you will probably want to spend a few minutes checking, correcting, and enhancing your Sentries.
PageSentry 1.2 users will need to recreate sentries in their entirety, as they cannot be read by version 2.0.
If you are currently using PageSentry 1.1, version 2.0 will read in the Sentries and convert them as appropriate. Please note, however, that there are many new capabilities available for both Sentries and Notifiers, and you will need to review each object to make sure it is configured exactly the way you want. In addition to verifying how PageSentry configures new options that weren't available in version 1.1, you will need to reset Sentry names, and may need to reset time periods and other options.
System Requirements
PageSentry runs only under the Mac OS, including the Apple Macintosh and Macintosh clones. PageSentry has the following additional requirements:
• System 7 or higher.
• Open Transport or MacTCP.
• 1 MB free RAM.
• 1 MB free hard drive space.
If You Need Help
There are three ways for you to get help if you have a problem.
1. The place to start is the Maxum Web site:
2. If the answer to your question isn’t at our Web site, please send e-mail to:
3. Finally, you might want to subscribe to the PageSentry mailing list. For information, go to:
To install PageSentry, simply copy the PageSentry application to your hard disk. You may want to copy the entire PageSentry disk for easy access to the online User's Guide, example AppleScript applications, etc.
Before starting PageSentry, verify that Open Transport (or MacTCP) has been properly installed and that the computer has a dedicated network connection. A dedicated connection is technically not required for PageSentry to operate, but without it PageSentry may be unable to connect to your Internet servers at any time of the day or night and may incorrectly report an error.
To get started, simply double-click the PageSentry icon to launch the application.
In addition to the printed User's Guide, an electronic version of the PageSentry User's Guide is provided in HTML form. To read the guide, select "Open File..." from the "File" menu of your Web browser and locate and open the folder "PS Users Guide". Choose the "Contents.html" file and click OK.